PHP $_SESSION is empty during AJAX calls. First thing to check is register_globals must be Off. PHP $_SESSION return empty string when user navigates to the next page. When session ID is not invoked properly, the reason can be that the session.save_path is not set.
$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; The session variables are not set properly.
Now in this condition the session variables return blank on the next page.
echo $_SESSION['username']; returns blank string.
Checklist for Corrective Measures:
Create a php.ini file in the root folder and add the following line of code.
$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; The session variables are not set properly.
Now in this condition the session variables return blank on the next page.
echo $_SESSION['username']; returns blank string.
Checklist for Corrective Measures:
- Add the following lines at the start of your PHP file:
session_set_cookie_params(3200, '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
- Make sure that the same sesison ID is in use. The session ID is needed to be saved in Javascript or database.
session_id($_POST['session_id']);Use session_id() to get the current session. This session ID can be sent to the client in form of values in Javascript variable.
- Normally the session_start() must be called before request headers are being sent, in order to set or retrieve any session variable value using the keyword $_SESSION.
The session variables has been set or not can re-verified using the following line of codes:
- Check the satus of register_globals.
Create a php.ini file in the root folder and add the following line of code.
register_globals = Off
- Create a php.ini file in the root folder and add the following line of codes:
session.save_path = "/home/<UserID>/tmp/sessions"Also add the following lines in .htaccess file in the same folder:
register_globals = Off
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>The <Files> tag makes sure that anyone form outside can't access the php.ini in the form of a web page URL.
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/<UserID>
<Files php.ini>
order allow,deny
deny from all
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